Wednesday 25 July 2007

Desenhos a céu aberto [ Sky canvas]

A DESORDEM [The disorder]

A HARPA [The harp]

O LABIRINTO [The Labyrinth]


Ruela said...

Mais umas linhas abstractas, gosto da harpa :)...

Roland BOUILLET said...

Ah Lina... You'll have to learn me : I see things like that in my life, but I don't know how to shot them to make a good photograph... Have you a secret ? Or is it simply your own talent ?

Anonymous said...

You are so good when it comes to this graphic shots :)

The top shot, disorder, is my favourite. Beautiful chaos, in focus, nice colours....lovely.

I guess I shouldn't ask the question but...Have you tried cloning out the little white triangel 1/5 from the top, on the left border...that white part is to me a little to eye catching....

Anonymous said...

Wonderful lines, nice canvas :))

L.Reis said...

Ruela: É uma harpa tocada pelo vento... ;)
Obrigada Ruela!

Roland: Thanks Roland...there's no secret :D:D you know how I'm always making stories about everything I see, well... with this kind of structures it's the same thing, I only choose the angle to tell it the best way I can. Glad you liked it! (Wish I had so much to teach you as the ones I learn with you!)

Aksel: Absolutely right about the white triangle...I had exactly the same thought, but sometimes I'm a bit lazy when it comes to post processing :D and I find all kind of excuses to let it stay. Thanks for all your accurate suggestions, helping me to improve.

Anonymous said...

as said before, you are strong at abstractions! these shot are no exceptions. I like them very much

Anonymous said...

Gostei particularmente da "O Labirinto". Resultou num belo grafismo.

Anonymous said...

Really interresting, I love this work about lines and architecture :Bravo !!

Anonymous said...

I'm a real fan of the seconth ! Lightly, abstract, graphic ! all I love !
The two others are good but I have a little preference for the seconth.

Anonymous said...

Excelente harpa!